

ME Bruni, TG Crainic, G Perboli (2024). Bin Packing Methodologies for Capacity Planning in Freight Transportation and Logistics. In: TG Crainic, M Gendreau, A Frangioni (eds) Combinatorial Optimization and Applications. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 358. Springer, Cham.

TG Crainic, A Frangioni, M Gendreau (2024). Bernard Gendron and Operations Research. In: TG Crainic, M Gendreau, A Frangioni (eds) Combinatorial Optimization and Applications. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 358. Springer, Cham.

D Escobar-Vargas, TG Crainic (2024). Multi-attribute two-echelon location routing: Formulation and dynamic discretization discovery approach. European Journal of Operational Research 314 (1), 66-78.

M Gruson, Q Zhong, O Jabali, R Jans (2024). A heuristic algorithm to solve the one‐warehouse multiretailer problem with an emission constraint. International Transactions in Operational Research 31 (2), 629-657

M Gruson, JF Cordeau, R Jans (2024). Split demand and deliveries in an integrated three-level lot sizing and replenishment problem. Computers & Operations Research 161, 106434

G Homsi, É Ayotte-Sauvé, SD Jena (2024), A Slope Scaling Heuristic for the Multi-Period Strategic Planning of Carbon Capture and Storage. Computers and Operations Research.

SD Jena (2024). Facility Location: A Guide to Modeling and Solving Complex Problem Variants via Lagrangian Relaxation Heuristics. In: TG Crainic, M Gendreau, A Frangioni (eds) Combinatorial Optimization and Applications. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol 358. Springer, Cham.

VCG Karels, W Rei, LP Veelenturf, T Van Woensel (2024). A vehicle routing problem with multiple service agreements. European Journal of Operational Research 313 (1), 129-145

MC Martins Silva, D Aloise, SD Jena (2024). On the Simultaneous Computation of Target Inventories and Intervals for Bimodal Bike-Sharing Systems. Transportation Engineering 16, 100226.

R Rahmaniani, TG Crainic, M Gendreau, W Rei (2024). An asynchronous parallel Benders decomposition method for stochastic network design problems. Computers & Operations Research 162:106459


A Chiche, U Lachapelle (2023). Une analyse médiatique de l’accueil des nouvelles mobilités à Montréal: De Communauto aux Trottinettes. Canadian Journal of Urban Research 32 (1), 1-15

TG Crainic, G Perboli, W Rei, M Rosano, V Lerma (2023). Capacity planning with uncertainty on contract fulfillment. European Journal of Operational Research 314 (1), 152-175.

M Daneshvar, SD Jena, W Rei. A two-stage stochastic post-disaster humanitarian supply chain network design problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 183, 109459.

F Djeumou Fomeni (2023). A lifted-space dynamic programming algorithm for the Quadratic Knapsack Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 335, 52-68

R Giusti, D Manerba, TG Crainic, R Tadei (2023). The synchronized multi-commodity multi-service Transshipment-Hub Location Problem with cyclic schedules. Computers & Operations Research 158, 106282

E Graß, B Balcik, J Ortmann, W Rei (2023). A machine learning approach to deal with ambiguity in the humanitarian decision‐making. Production and Operations Management 32 (9), 2956-2974

J Keutchayan, J Ortmann, W Rei (2023). Problem-driven scenario clustering in stochastic optimization. Computational Management Science 20 (1), 13

U Lachapelle, G Boisjoly (2023). Breaking down public transit travel time for more accurate transport equity policies: A trip component approach. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 175, 103756

A Leung, U Lachapelle, M Burke (2023). Spatio-temporal analysis of Australia Post parcel locker use during the initial system growth phase in Queensland (2013–2017). Journal of Transport Geography 110, 103634

Y Maïzi, Y Bendavid (2023). Hybrid RFID-IoT simulation modeling approach for analyzing scrubs’ distribution solutions in operating rooms. Bus. Process. Manag. J. 29(6):1734-1761.

N Nahas, U Lachapelle (2023). The Lifestyle and Mobility Connection of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Users. Findings, October.

R Santa González, M Cherkesly, TG Crainic, MÈ Rancourt (2023). Multi-period location routing: An application to the planning of mobile clinic operations in Iraq. Computers & Operations Research 159:106288.

F Sarayloo, TG Crainic, W Rei (2023). An integrated learning and progressive hedging matheuristic for stochastic network design problem. Journal of Heuristics 29 (4), 409-434

WA Silva, SD Jena, K Jeswani (2023). Mathematical formulations for multi-period network design with modular capacity adjustments. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 61(4), 445-489.

S Stádlerová, SD Jena, P Schütz (2023). Using Lagrangian relaxation to locate hydrogen production facilities under uncertain demand: a case study from Norway. Computational Management Science, 20(1), 10.


IC Bilegan, TG Crainic, Y Wang (2022). Scheduled service network design with revenue management considerations and an intermodal barge transportation illustration. European Journal of Operational Research 300 (1), 164-177

TG Crainic, B Gendron, MRA Kazemzadeh (2022). A taxonomy of multilayer network design and a survey of transportation and telecommunication applications. European Journal of Operational Research 303(1): 1-13.

D Dauvergne, J Ortmann, B Virág (2022). The directed landscape. Acta Mathematica 229 (2), 201-285

F Djeumou Fomeni, K Kaparis, AN Letchford (2022). A cut-and-branch algorithm for the quadratic knapsack problem. Discrete Optimization 44, 100579

M Hewitt, J Ortmann, W Rei (2022). Decision-based scenario clustering for decision-making under uncertainty. Annals of Operations Research 315 (2), 747-771

P Jaillet, SD Jena, TS Ng, M Sim, Satisficing models under uncertainty (2022). INFORMS Journal on Optimization 4 (4), 347-372

SD Jena, A Lodi, C Sole. On the Estimation of Discrete Choice Models to Capture Irrational Customer Behaviors. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(3), 1606-1625.

MRA Kazemzadeh, T Bektas, TG Crainic, A Frangioni, B Gendron, E Gorgone (2022). Node-based Lagrangian relaxations for multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design. Discret. Appl. Math. 308: 255-275.

T Mhamedi, H Andersson, M Cherkesly, G Desaulniers (2022). A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for the Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. Transp. Sci. 56(1): 245-264

F Quesnel, A Wu, G Desaulniers, F Soumis (2022). Deep-learning-based partial pricing in a branch-and-price algorithm for personalized crew rostering. Computers & Operations Research 138, 105554

S Rostampour, N Bagheri, Y Bendavid, M Safkhani, S Kumari, JJPC Rodrigues (2022). An Authentication Protocol for Next Generation of Constrained IoT Systems. IEEE Internet Things J. 9(21):21493-21504

M Safkhani, S Rostampour, Y Bendavid, S Sadeghi, N Bagheri (2022). Improving RFID/IoT-based generalized ultra-lightweight mutual authentication protocols. J. Inf. Secur. Appl. 67: 103194

P Smirnov, I Smith, Z Safikhani, W Ba-Alawi, F Khodakarami, E Lin, Y Yu, S Martin, J Ortmann, T Aittokallio, M Hafner, B Haibe-Kains (2022). Evaluation of statistical approaches for association testing in noisy drug screening data. BMC bioinformatics 23 (1), 188

G Taherkhani, IC Bilegan, TG Crainic, M Gendreau, W Rei (2022). Tactical capacity planning in an integrated multi-stakeholder freight transportation system. Omega 110, 102628

F Torres, M Gendreau, W Rei (2022). Crowdshipping: An open VRP variant with stochastic destinations. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 140, 103677

F Torres, M Gendreau, W Rei (2022). Vehicle routing with stochastic supply of crowd vehicles and time windows. Transportation Science 56 (3), 631-653


AM Anaya-Arenas, C Prodhon, J Renaud, A Ruiz (2021). An iterated local search for the biomedical sample transportation problem with multiple and interdependent pickups. J. Oper. Res. Soc. 72(2): 367-382

A Anderluh, PC Nolz, VC Hemmelmayr, TG Crainic (2021). Multi-objective optimization of a two-echelon vehicle routing problem with vehicle synchronization and ‘grey zone’ customers arising in urban logistics. European Journal of Operational Research 289 (3), 940-958

M Cherkesly, C Contardo (2021). The conditional p-dispersion problem. J. Glob. Optim. 81(1): 23-83

TG Crainic, F Djeumou Fomeni, W Rei (2021). Multi-period bin packing model and effective constructive heuristics for corridor-based logistics capacity planning. Computers & Operations Research 132, 105308

TG Crainic, M Hewitt, F Maggioni, W Rei (2021). Partial benders decomposition: general methodology and application to stochastic network design. Transportation Science 55 (2), 414-435

N Dellaert, T Van Woensel, TG Crainic, FD Saridarq (2021). A multi-commodity two-echelon capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows: Model formulations and solution approach. Computers & Operations Research 127, 105154

F Errico, TG Crainic, F Malucelli, M Nonato (2021). The single-line design problem for demand-adaptive transit systems: a modeling framework and decomposition approach for the stationary-demand case. Transportation Science 55 (6), 1300-1321

P Fontaine, TG Crainic, O Jabali, W Rei (2021). Scheduled service network design with resource management for two-tier multimodal city logistics. European Journal of Operational Research 294 (2), 558-570

M Gruson, JF Cordeau, R Jans (2021). Benders decomposition for a stochastic three-level lot sizing and replenishment problem with a distribution structure. European Journal of Operational Research 291 (1), 206-217

G Lanza, TG Crainic, W Rei, N Ricciardi (2021). Scheduled service network design with quality targets and stochastic travel times. European Journal of Operational Research 288 (1), 30-46

Y Maïzi, Y Bendavid (2021). Building a digital twin for IoT smart stores: a case in retail and apparel industry. Int. J. Simul. Process. Model. 16(2): 147-160

SM Mirhedayatian, TG Crainic, M Guajardo, SW Wallace (2021). A two-echelon location-routing problem with synchronisation. Journal of the Operational Research Society 72 (1), 145-160

J Ortmann, L Rampášek, E Tai et al. (2021) Assessing therapy response in patient-derived xenografts. Science Translational Medicine 13 (620), eabf4969

MD Primeau, I St-Pierre, J Ortmann, K Kilpatrick, CL Covell (2021). Correlates of career satisfaction in internationally educated nurses: A cross-sectional survey-based study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 117, 103899

F Sarayloo, TG Crainic, W Rei (2021). A reduced cost-based restriction and refinement matheuristic for stochastic network design problem Journal of Heuristics 27, 325-351

F Sarayloo, TG Crainic, W Rei (2021). A learning-based matheuristic for stochastic multicommodity network design. INFORMS Journal on Computing 33 (2), 643-656

A Tahir, F Quesnel, G Desaulniers, I El Hallaoui, Y Yaakoubi (2021). An improved integral column generation algorithm using machine learning for aircrew pairing. Transportation Science 55 (6), 1411-1429