
2021 competition

Excellence scholarships

CRI2GS is delighted to offer Daniel Ocampo an excellence scholarship of $1 500. Daniel is a PhD student at UQAM working under the supervision of Ana María Anaya-Arenas and Janosch Ortmann. His PhD Thesis seeks to provide a methodological framework to jointly plan and exploit distribution networks that optimise the use of resources, while achieving the goals of healthcare organisations. The project is grounded in the field of OR/MS, with theoretical approaches based on mixed integer linear programming applied to logistics

Paper prize

Rosemarie Sánta Gonzales has won the CRI2GS paper prize 2021 for her article Mobile clinics deployment for humanitarian relief: A multiperiod location routing problem co-authored with Marilène Cherkesly, Teodor Gabriel Crainic and Marie-Ève Rancourt (HEC Montréal). A pre-print of her paper is available as a CIRRELT

Rosemarie Santa Gonzáles has won the CRI2GS paper prize 2021 for her article Mobile clinics deployment for humanitarian relief: A multiperiod location routing problem co-authored with Marilène Cherkesly, Teodor Gabriel Crainic and Marie-Ève Rancourt (HEC Montréal). A pre-print of her paper is available as a CIRRELT report. Rosemarie, a PhD student at UQAM supervised by Marilène Cherkesly, Teodor Gabriel Crainic and Marie-Ève Rancourt (HEC Montréal), will receive a prize of $500.

Collaboration prize

CRI2GS members Matthieu Gruson and Marilène Cherkesly have been awarded a prize of $2 400 for a proposed joint project on One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer (OWMR) type problems. The prize will be used to support a future student.

2019 competition

The two winners of the 2019 scholarship competition are Mohammad Daneshvar and Rosemarie Santa Gonzáles. The selection was made based on their excellent academic record and their potential in research and scientific communication. They will each receive a scholarship of $3000.

Rosemarie, who is supervised by Marilène Cherkesly, Teodor Gabriel Crainic and Marie-Ève Rancourt (HEC Montréal), studies the logistics of mobile clinics in areas of armed conflict, while the research of Mohammad, who is supervised by Walter Rei and Sanjay Dominik Jena, focuses on designing multi-phase logistic networks.