Recent preprints


ID Dije, FD Fomeni, LC Coelho (2024). A 3-space dynamic programming heuristic for the cubic knapsack problem, Les Cahiers du GERAD. G-2024-56.

A Croutzet, S Ben Abdallah, J Ortmann (2024). Optimal timing of major projects when time-to-build and investment cost are uncertain. Les Cahiers du GERAD. G-2024-54.

J I Serrato-Fonseca, AM Anaya-Arenas, J Ortmann, A Ruiz (2024). ACAS: A comprehensive framework for automatic abstract screening in systematic literature reviews. Les Cahiers du GERAD. G-2024-53.

G Lanza, TG Crainic, M Passacantado, MG Scutellà (2024), Continuous-Time Service Network Design with Stochastic Travel Times, CIRRELT-2024-29.

D Müllerklein, P Fontaine, J Ortmann (2024). A Cost Focused Machine Learning framework for replenishment decisions under transportation cost uncertainty. Les Cahiers du GERAD. G-2024-04


M Aerts-Veenstra, M Cherkesly, T Gschwind (2023). A unified branch-price-and-cut algorithm for multi-compartment pickup and delivery problems. Les Cahiers du GERAD. G-2023-26.

M Cherkesly, C Contardo, M Gruson (2023). Ranking decomposition for the discrete ordered median problem. Les Cahiers du GERAD. G-2023-06.

TG Crainic (2023). Multi-layer Network Design for Consolidation-based Transportation Planning. CIRRELT-2023-34.

TG Crainic, D Escobar-Vargas, W Rei, SW Wallace (2023). The two-echelon multicommodity location-routing problem with stochastic and correlated demands, CIRRELT-2023-38

TG Crainic, R Giusti, D Manerba, R Tadei, The synchronized multi-commodity multi-service transshipment-hub location problem with cyclic schedules, CIRRELT-2023-17

F Djeumou Fomeni, A Montaz (2023). An optimization model for the energy management of the network of tanks in a water distribution system. Les Cahiers du GERAD. G-2023-52.

D Escobar-Vargas, TG Crainic, W Rei , SW Wallace (2023). The Two-Echelon Multicommodity Location-Routing Problem with Stochastic and Correlated Demands. CIRRELT-2023-38

ME Fennich, F Djeumou Fomeni, LC Coelho (2023). A novel dynamic programming heuristic for the quadratic knapsack problem. Les Cahiers du GERAD. G-2023-23

P Farghadani-Chaharsooghi, HH Doulabi, W Rei, M Gendreau (2023). Stochastic Casualty Response Planning with Multiple Classes of Patients. CIRRELT-2023-41

Y Ge, J Ortmann, W Rei (2023). Gröbner and Graver bases for calculating Opportunity Cost Matrices. arXiv:2303.06724

F Lamothe, C Contardo, M Gruson (2023). Tilted inequalities and facets of the set covering poly-tope: a theoretical analysis. Les Cahiers du GERAD. G-2023-10

SD Jena (2023). Facility location: A guide to modeling and solving complex problem variants via Lagrangian relaxation. CIRRELT-2023-16

SD Jena, J Liang, MC Martins Silva, D Aloise (2023),. Dynamic rebalancing for bike-sharing systems under inventory interval and target predictions, CIRRELT-2023-37

J Liang , SD Jena, A Lodi (2023). Dynamic rebalancing optimization for bike-sharing systems: A modeling framework and empirical comparison. G-2023-47

MC Martins Silva, D Aloise, SD Jena (2023). Towards effective rebalancing of bike-sharing systems with regular and electric bikes G-2023-31

MC Martins Silva, D Aloise, SD Jena (2023). Data-driven prioritization strategies for inventory rebalancing in bike-sharing systems. G-2023-30

C Mazzanti, AM Anaya-Arenas, V Bélanger, E Lanzarone, A Ruiz (2023). Iterative matheuristic for the biomedical sample transportation problem. SSRN.

I Smith, J Ortmann, F Abbas-Aghababazadeh, P Smirnov, B Haibe-Kains (2023). On the distribution of cosine similarity with application to biology. arXiv:2310.13994