CRI2GS in the news

The IoT lab, the technological arm of CRI2GS, has been featured in the series l’IA et moi on Savoir média (septembre 2021) – l’IA et moi – L’IA et l’efficacité (AI and you – AI and efficiency).

In his quest for efficiency, host Philippe Desrosiers uses a number of connected objects, both intelligent and not. He visits the Internet of Things Lab at UQAM, drives an autonomous car prototype and discovers how AI is transforming mining exploration… to produce more connected objects!

Guests: Ygal Bendavid, director of the IoT lab / Vincent Dubé-Bourgeois, Director of Goldspot / Dominique Plourde, LIDAR engineer at Leddartech. A Savoir média production – in collaboration with FM

le lab. IoT dans la série l’IA et moi  sur la plateforme de Savoir Média

(Dé)construire, a podcast that takes a look at the business world

(Episode 18: Internet of Things, 22 September 2021)

UQAM School of Management (ESG-UQAM) and QUB Radio present (Dé)construire, a series of podcasts that take a look at the business world. Host Anne-Sophie Roy speaks to professors at ESG-UQAM from different disciplines. Subjects include the changes companies need to make to adjust to the COVID-19 pandemic, the idea of salary and happiness and the cultural diversity of entrepreneurs.  

Épisode 18 : L’Internet des objets